Saturday, November 20, 2010

Trivastal — Parkinson's Disease .Older men have _the hi.ghest suicide r'ate in _the world due +to problems- with masc+uline' health. Don't- let your hu_n-ger overcome yo,ur desire+ to look go_od! Think ,about obe-se people and* kid,s. America's ,most po+pular imp*otence medica,tions have nev-er been that, c.heap! Try out! I-f you_ have extra 'weight you' are at risk* of serious h'ealth pr_obl-ems that ma'y occur due to ob-esity. +For kids_ who are overwe+ight' weight ,management i.s the primar.y treatment fo.r ch_olesterol. Y,ou may .be given othe,r medicines|- such as ant+i-inflamm-atory_ drugs to ta*ke with you'r paink.illers. Someone w_ho is. over _20% of the "" heavi,ness f.or their s+ize, is j+udged as being o*bese. Obesit*y causes *significa_nt h.ealth problems. -But y-ou aren't, in danger +if your eating _mode is h_ealthy-! Maintaining* a health_y choleste.rol level he_lp protect +you against- c-ancer, accor_ding to a study._ The a+mount .of your body fat* depends o.n your ea,ting mode +& your family _h_istory. Be_ware of food! Sin,ce penici-llin was i,ntrodu,ced, scientists- ha*ve developed more' than. 150 different .antibiot+ics. M,any peopl,e report nau'sea and sometimes+ _vomiting after ,taking *strong pain reli+ef medi_cations. I*f you ready to make' cert+ain changes i*n your- lifestyle to lo_se weight y*ou are l.ikely to_ succeed. A+ntibioti_cs play* an import-ant role 'in modern me,dicine f'ighting infections_ c-aused by bact_eria. Recognizi+ng the,se signs+, you can ,stop an as*thma attac-k or pre,vent one f+rom getting .worse. Toda,y the era -of ulti_mate masculine_ performance be+gins! ,Discover the n*ew medi*cation'! Allergic de.rmatit,is is the most c_ommon skin -conditi+on in ,children yo*unger than *age eleven. Ant'ib,iotics will' not cure *viral illne'sses, such +as: cold, sto*mach flu a_nd some. ear infe,ctions! Obe.sity is not o*nly t*he reason w'hy you look ugl_y, it_ may also ca.use seri_ous problems wit*h health+. Have your .father ha,d proble,ms with pote*ncy? I'f yes, you are i_n danger!- Hur-ry up to bu_y… Cut ,back on foo.ds with lots of' fat such as -fatty 'meats, f,ried fo-ods, lard, m*argarine and. oils., Even gentle' antibiotic_s, given for a ,shor_t period of 'time, can o-ccasi.onally lead to th_is probl*em. Figh+ting obesity ,remember, *that *loosing weight t-oo quickl*y is no ,good! Don_'t get too *keen. A*sthma is one ,of the most*n long-term c,onditions in US*A +and may be l-ife-threate+ning. I have n-ever ev-en dreamt a-bout such pow.e'r and sexual desi+re! M'y wife i*s absolutely h'appy. Making a.n ap*pointment ,with your +physicia-n is the fi'rst step to .erectile dys'function ,treatment. -The dose of .pain+killing drugs you' take w_ill be* carefully tail,ored t-o your ow_n special ne,eds. Know*ing everyth+ing about asthma- and its' symptoms, doesn't g,ive a guara'ntee- of protect+ion. Exposur-e to la,tex allerge,n alone is _responsible f-or over 200 c'ases +of anaphylax,is alle.rgy eac'h year. Sometim*es antibiotics* may ca-use stomac,h upset's, diarrhea, yea,st. infections o,r othe,r problems. relief med-ications as- any other .drug ar*e aimed at .improvi-ng your life an,d_ condition. C'hildhood 'obesity is 'associated w.ith high ch*ance of, premature death- -& disability in +adul.thood. Healthy, eating habi+ts a-re reasonable steps- to i+deal weight bu_t i't is hardl+y effective.* Try this meth_od Let your' doct+or choose _the most appro+priate plan ,for y.ou to get- rid of those' extr,a kilos of fat. O'ral imm*unotherapy h-olds some +promise for -c,uring food allerg-ies, -including severe. pe_anut allergy.+ Some peo+ple stay on the ,same d+ose of_ painkillers for -ma+ny months and the d*rug is st-ill effec'tive. It's v+itally i.mportan_t to treat ast-hma s+ymptoms when y-ou first no+tice them_. Take goo+d care! -Remem'ber that pe*ople painkill.ers should_ drink at *least 64 oz. of* wate_r each day_. Antibiotics wi*ll not .cure illnesses, .such _as: sore th+roats not caused, by, strep, runny no_ses. Thi's is an awe+some dea-l! Buy two pa.cks *of impotence .medication and- pay onl*y for one! _A li,st of some "*useful _foods" have shown *to m'ake a big 'impact on y,our chol,esterol levels. If' a, person is alle_rgic to* flower pollen ,he, obviously* should try our bra,nd new+ allergy m.edicine.- Sometimes+ it is v'ery hard to tell. when' an illness i+s caused by- a viral or ,bacterial- infe-ction. Mo're than 17 _million peopl*e in the U'SA have ast_hma. Of the*se, al.most 5 mil.lion are ch_ildren. Taking_ a highe.r dose than r-e+commended will not. pr,ovide more relief .and can _be dang_erous. Bec+ome one of- those ha+ppy men who solv_ed the-ir problems w*ith potenc*y easily!_ You _want to know wh'ether the .impotence m-edicatio.n I tak*e works? Ask m_y wife, she''ll te'll! Your pe+nis let you ,down for th_e firs't time+? Don't panic! The -answer to' all ques,tio,ns is here.! I don't thin-k this' amazing med.ication br,ings anything, but hig'h potenc_y to my hus_band! Wh'at medicati*ons are available .to lower* choles.terol, li.pids, and trig'lycerides_? All -info's here! ,Cholesterol 'can build, up on th.e inside the b*l'ood vessels+ of your h+eart. That's no. way -healthy! Antib'iotic-.resistant bact,eria can caus.e infe*ctions and can -be_ spread to ot-hers in yo_ur family. Y+ou may be g.iven o*ther medici,nes| such a,s antidepres*sant drugs *to take *with you_r pain*killers. Ch+olesterol level-s in childr'en are l*inked t.o three risk fac*tor*s: heredity, ,diet and obe'sity. Painki_ller addict.ion is s,preadin.g like a. plague ,and killing peo-ple a.ll over the worl'd. There is_ a de-licate bal,ance of billio,ns of bacter.ia in*side our dig*estive tr+act. Get p+repared!_ No matte_r how much you *have r*ead about ast*hma, *it always has some_thing to- surpr_ise you. every- thir*d sexually act-ive man in th+e wor,ld faces pro.blems wit.h potency once*. We have* never sold+ any of ou'r medication*s cheape*r than .we sell *this amazing an.tibioti_c now! Your ri,sk of +high choleste*rol increase,s if a- mother or- sister was 'affected by -heart dise.ase. Gener*ally, 'painkiller.s are catego.rized into t.wo groups_: non-n'arcotic +and narcotic. Be. car*eful! What i.s your_ risk of deve_loping hear.t disease _or having a he'art, attack due, to chol*esterol? Anti.biotics a,re some of th.e most .popular and wide-ly use-d medic.ations all_ over th_e world! More- than 17 mil-lion people ,in th-e USA have *asthma. Of th'ese, almo+st 5 million *are +children*. Nearly 6 ,million of ,people that ,suffer from ch+ronic *asthma i.n the Unit*ed States are ch+ild'ren. Appro,ximately _4 percent of a'll allergy su-ffe*rers have +insect alle+rgies as their p+rimary aller-gy_ type. Pop+ular cholesterol-l'owe,ring drugs _called +statins may slig'htly +raise the risk of *type 2 dia_be-tes Have you ever -tried a*nything- more ef,fective than this- bran-d-new super eff.ectiv-e antibiotic? ,Absolut*ely new me+dication for ef*fective_ indoor and' outdoor a*llergy .symptoms tre-atment! Obe_sity puts a, pe.rson at increased _risk for d-evelo,ping osteoarthr.itis+ and high b,lood pres*sure. Chole_sterol levels i*n childr+en are lin'ked t.o three r_isk factors: 'heredity, die't and obe*sity. Asthma+ often 'worse*ns at night for+ a few reaso*ns. D_o not forget to t*ake your' medicine' regularly+. In some cas'es+, erectile dysfu+nct+ion may be *an early signal of. heart o.r blood vess*el ,disease. Conte'mpo'rary envir,onment s so pollute-d-, that allergies ar-e obser+ved more and- more oft'en. T*he preval+ence of reported- food, allergy* cases incre'ased 18% amon'g children und-er ag*e 18 year+s. You may +be given ot+her medicine+s| s_uch as anti.depressant d'rugs to tak.e with your, painki+llers. Y,ou should never -start tak*ing pain.killers with_out _your health care +provid,er's pr_escription. Nutrit-ion s-pecialists _are magicians- that *can help ac'hieve th,e weight of you-r dream wi_thou*t any risk. At, what age, do you su*ppose to lose 'your_ sexual p.ower and s+tart your never-.ending -struggle? M,any painkiller*s ca+n cause a-ddiction, so- it's importa.nt to fo_llow th.e instruction,s carefu*lly. Low inta*ke of antio.xida-nts found in va+rious fruits, & ve.getables may ,also incr-ease *allergy risk. 'Those who ref'use med.ications despit,e bei_ng in severe p_ain are .putti'ng themselves at ,risk. +The most comm*on al,lergies are to ,animal, dander, prod_ucts or ot.her strong _odours. _Hay fever… Thes_e two _little wo,rds turn m.y life upside_ down .every year! Bu_t now it's +over!* The extra w.eight _you lose on a cras,h d,iet is likely ,to come b_ack when 'you stop -it. Think, about it! Sinc+e pe.nicillin was, introduced, *scientis'ts have develo.ped m-ore tha+n 150 differ'ent antibioti_cs. Asthm'a aff'ects kids +in different way-s. Read more' about- the w.ays of reducing the, sympto*ms. The bes_t tim.e to take an ant.ihist*amine, which b+locks al*lergi_c reactions,* is before th.e attack. Jo-gging in +the morning* won't solve_ all yo'ur problem.s if y_ou are obese., You ne,ed professi-onal help! Fo'od alle+rgy testi'ng in the do'ctor's office i,nvolves ei'ther a p'rick skin _test or a b.lood t*est. Choo_se! Today,'s young peop.le need to wo-rry ab*out getting* sick '& dying sooner if' t,hey still get obes_e. Pain*killer ad.diction is s*prea*ding like a. plague and .killing peop_le all* over the world. +Alle.rgy test is so_mething t_hat every per+son +has to do in ord'er to, avoid possible+ health ri+sks. Ab.solut_ely new med'ication fo*r effective ind,oor and outdo-or. allergy sympto+ms t'reatment! Ev'en secondhand. smoke is _associated wi*th an i*ncrease in b_ronc'hitis, sinusi,tis, and ast'hma. Almos+t 30 m.illion prescr_iptio,ns are writt-en each yea-r for chole,sterol lowerin_g +drugs, man. St.op wait+ing for bact*eria to 'catch you by su*rprise! -Try our' super effective_ antibiot_ic and' relax! I have n+ever ,tried a +medicatio_n with such powe.rful effect .as this- new alle+rgy tre-atment has. If yo,u ha*ve asthma, -even the slig+htest 'respirator'y tract infection. can trigg'er an atta-ck. Hopelessn+ess, ange_r and ,depression can .be the, causes o.f obesity- in people! Y,our mo+od matte+rs! Asthma is* one of the m,ost comm*on lon.g-term condition*s in U,SA and may- be life-threa*tening. Some 'peop'le with asthm.a may go fo-r e'xtended periods w_ithou_t having any 'symptoms. Obes,i.ty causes sig-nificant health B,ut you aren't *in dange'r if your eati,ng mode .is healthy-! Too muc.h chole.sterol leads t.o the build-up, of plaque. on the w+alls of ,the art_eries. Ou+ch! Asthma is not. o'nly a serious bu_t also a t'ype of- allergy reaction+. Make sure 'you're+ safe!, Many men, +like many wom_en, need d_irect manual* or o'ral stimula,tion for the p'enis to _become h*ard. This is hig_h time to .thi.nk about your cho.lestero*l level a+nd ask yo.ur docto'r for a diet p*lan! Ast*hma wa,s depicted as a dis,e*ase rather *than a symptom+ by t.he English chemi_st Thom,as Willis_ Weight-loss. surgery offer-s quick sol-ution+ for your pr,oblems but -it's the_ most dang+erous as well'. It's all, ab,out ultima+te masculin-e attractiveness *and s,exual performan*ce! Le-arn m_ore now! S+edentary peop'le burn fewe*r calories people, who stay+ active all .their li'fe. It's a+bout obesity-! Learn 'more about_ adult.-onset asth_ma and how you 'can treat .the symp.toms to bre-athe _easily. Accordin'g to -a recent su_rvey Ame*rican me*n had fewer heal*th test_s and inv.estigations. this yea+r. I'm not go+ing to discus_s th*e basics .of allergy treatm_ent. A r_easonabl-e person* already knows i-t! Oral _immun,otherapy holds som+e pr_omise for cur_ing fo-od allergies., includin.g severe peanut' allerg.y. Pista*chio nuts .reduce 'the risk of heart -diseas-e,by decrea,sing choles,terol lev.els, a+ study says.* Men su'ffering fro,m depression .are more li'kely t*o be given custo'di'al sentences_ than women. .Our most popu-lar pharma_cy p-roducts a're sold out+ at unbelie,vable prices,! Hurr-y up! Too much ch+olestero.l le+ads to the build_-up of plaq,ue on t,he walls of. the arterie_s. O*uch! Men sh'ould seek +medical advi-ce & trea_tment i*f impotence more than' 50 % *of the ti'me. It someti'mes tak-es time -and care to g'et things exa+ctly righ't wh-en taking pain -relief medi*cation.. Obesity i*s also lin'ked to psychoso-ci*al problems such a.s low +self-e,steem, disc.rimination, fea,r. P.eople tend to over_eat all the. time a*nd final'ly many of ,them become o*bese. Is i_t ,your path as we_ll? Obesity+ is a disea-se 'that affects 34 per_cent of. adults age 2+0 and over. *in the United Stat_es. I,f you h,ave extra weight y'ou -are at risk of+ serious he*alth probl+ems t+hat may occur du'e to ob-esity. If ,you experience +r.epeated coughing s'pell's, and y-our breathing is ,noisy it 'may be asthm,a. Diseases, ass,ociated with ,increased_ risk of. erectile _dysfunction in_clude, diabete_s & kidney ,disease. Not *being a,ctive is a, risk factor for h,eart dise,ase. Ph-ysical act,ivity can help, cholesterol_. If' you have asthma i.t i-s very importan+t no_t to smoke and .keep away f-rom smokin'g p_eople! Antibi'otics can, kill most -of the .bacteria in your _bod'y that are _sensitive_ to them. Good an-d bad ,Your risk of hig,h chol*esterol incre'ases i_f a mothe+r or sister +was aff.ected by heart d'isease. I- have ne+ver even dre*amt about -power and+ sexual desir'e! My .wife is ab,solutely happy. Die,tary cha-nges, exe-rcise, +activity+ & behavio.r change _- this comple-x ensure.s obesity ,elimination. Ast,hma _affects as many as, ,10% to 12% of child_ren in. the United S*tates. Are- your k_ids safe?- Bronc.hial tubes' that are chr+onically inflame.d b-ecome overly _sensi-tive to allergens -or irrit-ants. Attent.ion! Conti'nued. use of _antibiotics c,an seriou.sly disrupt the n+orm_al ecology of -the body+. In f+act, most of those* peop_le who die f+rom asthma-r+ela*ted causes are' those +aged 65 an.d older. About' 80% o+f the body's c'holesterol .is pr*oduced by th.e liver, &+ the rest comes 'f,rom our diet. .High c_holesterol ca,n increase_ your c*hance of having +heart, disease. Thin'k what yo.u eat,' man! Remembe+r, the most +general side.-effe'cts of anti.biotics includ-e nausea,- diar*rhoea and_ etc. It's _not clear, tho_ugh 'possible, t'hat overusing dru_gs incre_ases the' risk of_ a fatal asth*ma atta+ck. Ask your, doctor- what he thinks ab_out the an'tibioti'cs you* take. May+ be you'll be -surpris,ed. If too much. ch,olesterol build_s up ,in your body, th.e blood can+not flow *throu_gh to your heart,. Reme.mber, th,e amount of f,at in you+r diet helps your b_loo_d cholesterol *level. Keepi'ng excess ,weight off- is ess.ential for go-od health an.d+ has nothing to *do with diets+, dude_. The obes'ity rate for+ children is. rising rap,idly as k+ids spen+d more time w_atch'ing TV and eating. -Pain m*edications are' s'afe and e-ffective when +used as di.rected. An.d you shoul_d be +very careful+! Pacific- men and wome-n are 2 t+imes more lik-ely .to be obese 'than men +and women in+ the world. Earl-y 'warning signs ar_e chang'es that happe_n j-ust before the 'beginning ,of an as.thma attack. Dep.ression, *boredom- and reasons oft*en f+orce people to o,verea't and ther,efore gain weight-! pan.topan heartz (_small dogs). Mefloquin_e (Lariam)_ Sument-a twilit*e Sterapred (.Omnipr.ed, Predn.isone, Del-tasone, Liquid _Pred, Metic,orte,n, Orasone, Predn-icen-M, ,Sterap,red, Ster*apred DS,_ predisone) Human_ Growth H*ormone [h+umangrow-thhormone] .(hgh) *amprace Vasculiti_s liv.52 ca-psules p, prexum Hear-tgar_d Chewable _ Brain Abscess- sominex +Triamterene _(+dyrenium, Coversyl [cov.ersyl] (P'erindop_ril, Aceon, 'Acertil, Ar+mix, Cover'ene, Co'verex, Co-versum, Prest,arium, Prexa_nil, Pr_exum, P.rocaptan) .Xopenex (Levo*salbut+amol, levalbute-rol, Le,volin) Pr.emature Ejacu-lation Lumig+an — Glauco'ma, Eye p.ressur.e amoxil histazi+ne orason+e +Cleocin — Infectio.ns', Antibiotic, MRSA*, Toxic S'hock Syndro_me, Malari'a osteopor'osis prev.ention Yasht-ima-dhu Pro-Erex* Quinine (Quina.rsal, ,Qualaquin, A_po-Quinine+, N*ovo-Quinine+, Quinine,-Odan, Aethylca,rbonis Chinin,* Circonyl., G,enin, Kinin, Q200', Q3_00, Quina'te, Quinbisu,, Quinimax_, Quining.a, Quinsul) fr'oidi+r Yaz (Crisanta .LS) [ya-z] (drospi+renone, eth.inyl estradi-ol) Coreg (C.arvedi_lol, Dilatren*d, Euc'ardic, Carloc) S.ymbicort (_budeson+ide, formoter'ol) Mefl,oqui,ne (Lariam+) Sumenta my,cophenola-te mofetil Minoc+y+cline (minocin, D'yna*cin, Myrac, So,lodyn, Akamin,. Cy-nomycin, Mes'tacine, ,Minomycin) Ayur Sl_im +Weight Regulato*r (Weight Lo+ss-, diet, diet pil+ls) vasomo+tor_ rhinitis Sinus'itis ca+rduran S+oma [soma] (Car+isoprodo'l, Sano'ma, Carisoma, *pain, c-arisprodal, musc*le relaxe'r, muscle _rela,xant, vanadom) ,Soma (Ca+risopro+dol, Sanom,a, Carisom,a, pain, carisp+rodal, mu,scle relaxer*, muscl.e relaxa_nt, vanadom). Cervicitis .Hydrea (H.ydrox,yurea) Flur,biprofen Eye [flu_rbiprofene.yedrop_s] (Ocufen*) Autism Diabecon .[d,iabecon] (diabet*es) Imod,ium [imodium]_ (Lo.peramide) infarct*ion r,isk GAD_ levothyrox.ine aphrodisi*ac Sarc-oidosis motion s'ickne'ss menstrual *cramps Captop_ril [capto'pril]- (capoten) no,volog' Pylori _Mega Hoodia [ho+odia] (Weigh+t Loss, d,iet, d'iet pills) In,farction R-isk frontie.r (f+rontline) 22-44 ,lb*s heartgard che*wable A_utism rosiglit+azone ma,leate HIV Tes't [hi-vtest] (test) Hy*poth.yroidism i'mpri Human Gr*owth H'ormone (hgh) _blood sugar -Mella*ril — Antipsychot-ic, Sc+hizophre_nia, Psyc-hosis Ze-lnorm [zelnorm] (Te_gaserod, Z*elmac) Fe*ver euthyr.ox kef-tab cobix Fo'samax —, Osteoporo,sis, Paget's ,Disease. Viagra — Ere.ctile* Dysfunction,, Male Enhance.ment, Erecti_on, I+mpotence Dio_van [diova.n] (Valsartan,, Val_tan, Valzaa*r) Predni+solone_ (Orapred, Mill_ipred, De,ltacortril_, Deltastab, Pr-ed,nesol) Epivir +— HIV Maxalt- — Migra'ine, 'Pain, Migraine ,Headaches fl'oux'etine Cialis. Super Active*+ [cial-issuperactive,] (Tadalafil-) zy-trim eskalith .Yerba Diet '(weight *loss, ,diet pills) ' fap Intermi.ttent Claudi,cation' Theophylline (d_imeth+ylxanthin'e, Uniphyl) Depr*ession. V-Gel ursod-iol +Tavist — Allergy+, Antihi,stamin*e, Allergic Rhi_nit,is Heartz (Small Do+gs) (_Heartg+ard Plus, Iverm.ectin, Pyrant,el Pamoate)- _17 Ultram (Tramad+ol, Adolan,. An-adol, Cont-ramal, tra*madal, Dolol, Dolz-a'm, Dromadol,_ Ixprim, Ralivia,+ Tram*adex, Tramal,. Tridu+ral, Zamadol,* Zyd+ol, Zytrim, p-ain, ultracet') 1.23% tave,gil 'GAD pelvic in+flammatory d, enuresis. Chyavanaprash.a — Imm.unity, Vitamins*, Immunomo,dulator, D*ig,estion, Ayurveda_ Hytrin ,— High Blood- Pressure, H.yper.tension, ,BPH, Prostate ,Enlargement* desy-rel endantad*ine Day' After Pill viaz_em Runny N'ose L*odine (etod'olac, Ec_coxolac, Ut.radol) Nexiu-m — Gast,roesophage+al Reflux D'isease, GERD, Er,osive .Esoph.agitis, Gas,tric Ulcers, Duo-denal- Ulcer, Zollinge*r-Elli,son virility infe'rtil,ity Aloe Vera T-hick Gel cli,manor Av_elox (*Moxifloxacin h*ydrochlor+ide, Vi.gamox, Avalox, Iz_ilox) Vibra+mycin_ — Bacterial_ Infec*tions birth+ control Col,on Cle*an Supreme — B-loating, Con-stipa'tion, Intesti,nal Bloc+kage, C*olon, Detoxifying .GERD Lipoth-in (We,ight Loss, 'diet, die-t pills) ae.rovent Atope.x (cyc+losporin,- atopica, cycl'osporine, -Ciclospo,rin) Gyneco-mastia herp+ex anta+buse utram Min,ocycline -— Bac,terial Infectio,ns, Antibi'otic' Coumadin [coum'adin] (W'arfarin, *Jantoven,* Marevan, ,Waran) Yashtima*dhu — Ayur'veda, Ulcers oste_oporosis .Savella (Milnac-ipra.n) verelan Plan+ B [*planb] (Levonorge,strel, Le-vonell*e, NorLevo,, Postino_r, birth co*ntrol, le.vlen) Ampicilli'n (Penbrit+in,+ Rimacillin, Om*nipen, P'rincipen_, Ampicyn) Viagr*a Oral J*elly (S.ildenafil, v*iagra jel+ly) laxa _tea Depakote +— Bipol_ar Disorder., Manic Ep-isodes, Man_ia, Depressio+n, Migra.ine, Epilepsy,- Rogaine *— Hai.r Loss, -Hair Regrowth., Androgeni.c Alope,cia, Baldness e-votrox Muscle- Strain.s Ayurv,eda diet ma.xx risperidone, Verapa_mil — H_igh Blood Pre,ssure,, Hypertension, Ang-ina, -Arrhythmia Pl*an B [.planb] (Lev,onorge+strel, Levo+nelle, NorLevo, P*osti_nor, birth c.ontrol, l+evlen) el_crit anap,rilinum Kidney F_unction hair. _loss Plavix (Clopi'dogrel, I+scover, Cl-opil+et, Ceruvin) Zofr*an (ondan-set,ron) Zero Nicotine

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